Organizing Committee

A message from Professor Takahiro Kamiya, main organizer.
"It is with great pleasure that I warmly welcome our colleagues to visit Kanazawa for the Third Asian Ostracod Meeting. We hope that the meeting will enhance the relationships between our colleagues in Asia, and also with those based outside of Asia. The meeting will provide a platform to exchange information about research on ostracods, and create opportunities to explore future collaborations."
Takahiro Kamiya
Faculty of Natural System, Institute of Science and Engineering
Kanazawa University, Japan

Akira Tsukagoshi
Department of Environment and Energy Systems, Graduate School of Science and Technology
Shizuoka University, Japan

Toshiaki Irizuki
Department of Geosciences
Shimane University, Japan

Robin Smith
Lake Biwa Museum, Japan

Gengo Tanaka
Faculty of Natural System, Institute of Science and Engineering
Kanazawa University, Japan

Scientific Committee

Toshiaki Irizuki (Shimane University, Japan)
Takahiro Kamiya (Kanazawa University, Japan)
Robin J. Smith (Lake Biwa Museum, Japan)
Gengo Tanaka (Kanazawa University, Japan)
Akira Tsukagoshi (Shizuoka University, Japan)
Moriaki Yasuhara (University of Hong Kong, China)
Dayou Zhai (Yunnan University, China)
Baochun Zhou (Shanghai Natural History Museum, China)